Modern facades
Combinations of various materials and colors are treated as a life motive of the modern building business. Contemporary investors and architects are seeking for solutions which break out of the existing scheme of structural design. They reach for materials like glass, composite plates, HPL panels, metal sheet or re-creating such well known materials like concrete or timber wood.
Alcubond is material having high grade esthetic valor which are perfect for casing of the all-around facade of the house. This material consists of two layers of aluminum with the core made from plastics. Due to the broad scope of colors, our architects are given possibilities to create interesting, esthetic, modern objects. Spacious panels, with different shapes are used for casing the building facades, attics, ceilings, housing of stanchions, but the PVDF cover assures that the material is resistant to various weather conditions. Facade plates are also great means to create well fitted interior with perfect finishings.
Ventilated facades and TRESPA fillings.
The product is built based on resin and tree shavings with the extra case-hardened core. It is the right product manufactured for facades which are suspended and ventilated, for balustrade fillings and balcony compartments. A broad variety of colors creates possibility to mix colors in the most desired ways and shades. Facade plates of the Trepsa brand are resistant to various weather conditions, but blurs caused by them or other pollutants can be easily removed. Unlimited possibilities of architectural arrangements, together with many advantages of the material, cause that Trespa is future promising product by all means.